Examples of student work from a variety of projects taught at the high school, sophomore, junior, and senior level in the fashion department of the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis.
Inclusive Design Project Lecture & Sample Project
Digital Textile & Fashion Design 2023
Exploring the ideas behind inclusive design, students were tasked with creating an inclusive capsule collection for a Target in-house clothing brand. 
JoyLab collection created by Leena Bekhiet. 3D rendering done in Browzwear.
Experimental Design Project Lecture & Prompt
Experimental Fashion Design 2022
Given the prompt "what if architecture was confined to the human form?," students explored how garments could use the body as the structural support and occupy space.
Eveningwear Collection created by Sarah Kaufman
Portfolio Plus 2012
Napkin Dress created by Katie Bailey
Portfolio Plus 2015
Men's Wear Collection created by Ella Young
Digital Fashion & Textile Design 2015
Women's Wear Collection with Laser Cutting created by Amanda Bass
2D Design 2014
Accessories Collection for Liminal Capstone Collection created by Emma Rubinson
Portfolio Development 2021
Process Video for The SubUrban Subconscious Capstone Collection created by Lina Willey
Portfolio Development 2020
Accessories and T-Shirt Collection created for Kryptography Capstone Collection by Maggie Miller
Portfolio Development 2021
Accessory Design for Beyond Capstone Collection created by Eric Li
Portfolio Development, 2020
Print and Packaging Design created by Sophie Devincenti
Digital Studio 2019
Selected comments from recent course evaluations.
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